Table of Contents
My research focuses on the modeling, simulation, and control of dynamical systems applied to energy generation machines. This encompasses renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. However, my research emphasizes energy generation using floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs). The aim of my current research involves maximizing energy capture while attenuating systems vibrations due to pitching and rolling moments in open-water conditions.
I hope that my Ph.D. research and dissertation may help reduce the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) for building, deploying, and operating a wind turbine farm, increasing the adoption rate of renewable energy sources to help combat the inevitable climate change crisis.
My Ph.D. research is supervised by Dr. Tuhin Das and Postdoctoral researcher Dr. Tri Ngo
Journal Articles:
Odeh M, Mohsin K, Ngo T, Zalkind D, Jonkman J, Wright A, Robertson A, Das T. (2023). “Development of a Wind Turbine Model and Simulation Platform using an Acausal Approach: Multi-Physics Modeling, Validation and Control.” Wind Energy 2023, 1 - 27. doi: 10.1002/we.2853
Mendoza N, Robertson A, Wright A, Jonkman J, Wang L, Bergua R, Ngo T, Das T, Odeh M, Mohsin K, Flavia, F.F, Child B, Fowler M, Goupee A, Kimball R, Lenfest E, Viselli A. (2022). “Verification and Validation of Model-Scale Turbine Performance and Control Strategies for the IEA Wind 15-MW Reference Wind Turbine”, Energies 2022, 15, 7649. doi: 10.3390/en15207649
Odeh M, Levin D, Inziello J, Lobo Fenoglietto F, Mathur M, Hermsen J, Stubbs J, Ripley B. (2019). “Methods for Verifications of 3D Printed Anatomic Model Accuracy Using Cardiac Models as an Example”, 3D Printing in Medicine 5, 6. doi: 10.1186/s41205-019-0043-1
Conference Proceedings:
Mohsin K, Odeh M, Ngo T, Das T. (2023). “Load Reduction of Wind Turbines Using Integrated Torque, Collective Pitch, and Individual Pitch Control Actions”. 2023 American Control Conference (ACC), San Diego, CA, USA, 2023, pp. 1505-1510, doi: 10.23919/ACC55779.2023.10156361.
Mohsin K, Odeh M, Ngo T, Das T. (2022). “Causality-Free Modeling of a Wind Turbine with Open-loop and Closed-loop Validation Results”. IFAC-PapersOnline, 55(37), 86-91. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.11.166
Boutelle M, Lobo F, Odeh M, Stubbs J. (2019). “Cost Effective Laparoscopic Trainer Utilizing Magnetic-Based Position Tracking.” Proceedings of the 2019 Design of Medical Devices Conference. 2019 Design of Medical Devices Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. April 15–18, 2019. V001T10A002. ASME. doi: 10.1115/dmd2019-3212
Odeh M, Nichols E.D, Lobo Fenoglietto F.L, Stubbs J. (2018). “Real-Time, Non-Contact Position Tracking of Medical Devices and Surgical Tools Through the Analysis of Magnetic Field Vectors.” Proceedings of the 2018 Design of Medical Devices Conference. 2018 Design of Medical Devices Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. April 9–12, 2018. V001T11A005. ASME. doi: 10.1115/dmd2018-6862
Master’s Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations:
- Odeh M. (2020). “Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Power Plant Steam Condenser on the Siemens SPPA-T3000 Platform.” Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2020-. 447. [link] [slides]
For a detailed list of publications, please visit my Google Scholar, ResearchGate, or ORCID profile.
Talks & posters
- American Control Conference (ACC), 2023. San Diego, CA. [slides]
- Modeling, Estimation and Control Conference (MECC), 2022. Jersey City, NJ. [slides]
- Design of Medical Devices (DMD) Conference at the University of Minnesota, 2018. Minneapolis, MN. [poster]
- ASCE SE Student Conference at FAU, 2017. Boca Raton, FL.
- Interdisciplinary Display of Engineering Analysis Statics (IDEAS) Showcase, 2016. Orlando, FL. [poster] [submission]
- Interservice/ Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), 2015. Orlando, FL.